Friday, July 29, 2005

Crazy for high heels

This is an interesting study. As if we didn't have enough reasons to not wear high heeled shoes, now apparently it causes mental illness too. (I would like to know what the explanation for male schizophrenia is - black socks that stop mid-calf?)

Saturday, July 23, 2005

I'm totally freaked out right now!

I just got home from a barbeque with the kids, they were asleep when I got home so I put them to bed, and I've just been catching up on emails and such before I go upstairs to read a book before falling asleep. Hubby decided to stay at the event and hang out (it was his company's annual summer barbeque) and so I'm here alone...

I keep hearing a noise like footsteps outside, like someone is out on the front porch by the door!! EEEEK! Needless to say, I have the security alarm on, but holy crap, there's nothing like a couple of freaky sounds to make your palms sweaty and your whole body tense!

Would I be a great big idiot if I called Hubby at the barbeque and demanded he come home right now because I'm scared?! How lame would that be? I think I could deal with some being made fun of because I'm a big chicken.

Maybe I'll just go upstairs and hide under the covers.

Update: I'm still here, not murdered or anything, and although I still insist there was someone or something outside my house that night, I did not call Hubby and make him come home. And yes, I am a big baby.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Motorcycle riders think they're so great

I really hate it when I see motorcyclists "cheating" and driving between cars and lanes in traffic. When I was studying for my Learner's permit when I was learning to drive, I remember the manual saying that drivers have to treat motorcyclists like cars. Give them the same amount of space as you would a car, etc.

Well, screw them! EVERYTIME I see a motorcycle rider, they cheat somehow. They go into the side lanes on the right shoulder of the road, they squeeze between lanes and cars when traffic is stopped, and they weave in and out between cars and lanes in traffic and it makes me nuts. Why do they expect us to treat them like cars, when they don't act like cars?

I saw one guy doing it this morning on my way to work and another guy doing the weaving between lanes and cars thing on my way home. I wish we could arbitrarily call in motorcycle license plates and have their license revoked for this crap. It's not fair, and they all suck.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rob Thomas, 1; Tom Cruise, 0

Came across this funny article.

I sorta dig Rob Thomas, even though I have a friend who regularly refers to Matchbox 20 as "Pearl Jam's retarded younger brother", but anyway, this article was pretty good.

Has Tom Cruise really sunk so low? Could I be enjoying it any more?

(Oh yeah, another friend forwarded me this great site for the anti-Tom crowd.)

The Rise and Fall of "Boo-yah!"

We were driving downtown the other day and were listening to a CD I made, which included Cypress Hill's "Latin Lingo". And of course there was a little background of someone calling out "Boo-yah!" in it, to which Hubby laughed and said, "Remember when that was a cool word?"

Indeed I do. Those were the days - when you were feeling particularly excited or happy, you could just let loose and yell, "Boo-yah!" I can't say I ever said it though - I felt too stupid. It was funny, or sort of cool when someone of reputable street cred said it, but I don't think anyone ever envied me for my street cred, so what do I know about "Boo-yah?!" I can't say I ever thought it was a cool thing to say.

But what happened to "Boo-yah?" Now you are a lame-ass if you get excited about something and yell out "Boo-yah!" People would just look at you like you were some kind of idiot. Hubby still says it from time to time, but if you knew him... well, you'd get my point.

I'm going to start a list of songs that have a "Boo-yah" somewhere in it. "Latin Lingo" is #1. (Readers, feel free to add your own!)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Yucky birth radio ad

There's this radio ad out right now that just makes me gag. It starts out with some dude coaching someone through giving birth, saying "Okay, you're doing great, keep going, stay with it..." that kind of stuff. Then you hear some quacking and realize it's a DUCK that's giving birth. That's dumb enough. Then the duck starts quacking and the guy's voice is getting more urgent, and you hear this horrendous, stretching sound, like stretching rubber, and then a pop, and the guy says in an almost repulsed voice, "Wow, that thing is huge," and the duck gives some pathetic duck quack.

I know that no one really thinks this radio ad is accurate, I mean it's a duck for god's sake, but the rubbery stretching and the popping sounds are almost insulting. Like, excuse me, that is NOT the sound my body made when I gave birth, thank you very much! Did a guy write this? Is this how people poke fun at giving birth? I just get so grossed out listening to those freakish sounds everytime this damn radio ad comes on, and I can't even remember who it's advertising for (something about huge egg breakfast sandwiches - I think it might be McDonald's, what a surprise.)

I know this is probably a dumb thing to complain about, but come on. I'm so sick of hearing this guy coach a damn duck through giving life to a breakfast sandwich ingredient, and those horrid sound effects - ugh. I don't know if I can ever eat another Egg McMuffin again. And that's a bad thing.

Damn you, McDonald's.

Editing to add - oh yeah, and McDonald's doesn't even use real eggs in their Egg McMuffins, so screw them!

Editing again - (sigh) okay, it's a chicken. Dammit, I really did think it was a duck, and even though I was wrong, you have to admit that commercial has a pretty poor-ass chicken impersonation. It sounds a LOT like a duck. And apparently it's Burger King. Well, I never eat there anyway, and I don't need to fill myself with their "huge" egg/breakfast sandwiches, so who cares anyway. Their pathetic marketing ploy isn't going to get me to eat their fake egg product! I just want them to stop running that stupid ad!