Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Casino rage

So Hubby was playing blackjack at the casino one night with his buddies. If you know Hubby, you'll know he has a lot to say about everything and will flap off at the mouth at times. And if you've been to the casino with Hubby, you'll know that he does this particularly at the blackjack table, especially if there is a player at the table who sucks.

This guy at the table totally sucked, and Hubby was doing his usual sarcastic commenting on the guy's decisions, like, "Oh, you hit on 18? Wow, that's great!" The guy was obviously getting agitated, and after a few rounds of this he said, "What's your problem?" Hubby stated he had no problem, just that the guy sucked and it was costing everyone else at the table. They get into a little verbal altercation, and suddenly this guy blurts out, "Oh yeah? Well, you look like you have Down's Syndrome!"


So let me get this straight. This guy is sitting at the blackjack table and there is another guy (Hubby) who is ticking him off, and he looks at Hubby and thinks, "Dude, this guy looks like he has Down's Syndrome!" I mean, he obviously had to have been thinking this before actually saying it, right?

When Hubby and his friend were telling me this story I could barely breathe from laughing so hard. It was just such a bizarre insult to fling at someone, like someone is making you mad at the casino one night, and you start getting personal and telling them they look like they have Down's Syndrome? What is that all about?!

Well, apparently, Hubby didn't take too well to being told he appeared to have a an extra chromosome in his genetic makeup, so he told the guy he was a F%&*# head. Nice.

Monday, August 22, 2005


For the last two weeks I've been doing this semi-low-carb thing (just no bread, pasta, rice or potatoes, cutting out as much sugar as I can and adding extra veggies) to lose some extra pounds, and I've even had a little bit of result so far. But today - oh, I would give anything for a big hunk of chocolate to devour!

Hubby promised the kids a "treat" earlier today, so when I was out getting a few groceries I got a packet of peanut M&Ms for them to share. I opened the bag for my 2 year old, gave her her share, and saved the rest for my 5-year-old, who is over at his little buddy's house. I scarfed about three of them for myself, and then literally taped the packet shut and wrapped it up in an envelope, sealed that, and let my daughter scribble on it as a "present" for her big brother.

But it's really so Mommy doesn't inhale them all herself.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

My Dream Job

Years ago I used to tell my friends my dream job would be to work in a run down 50's-style gas station out in the middle of the Nevada desert, wearing cut-off jean shorts and a tank top, listening to a crappy old radio all day while pumping gas and giving directions to travellers.

I would still love that job.

Friday, August 19, 2005

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?

Well, check me out. Gawd, I love surveys and questionnaires.

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?

(It's amazing what you find when you start following links from people's blogs. I swiped this from a blogger of a blogger of a blogger's blog - didya get that?)

Corey Haim's not what he used to be

Okay, I admit it - between all those posters of Johnny Depp on my walls when I was 13, there was one picture of Corey Haim. Ahhh..."Licence to Drive," and "The Lost Boys," particularly the scene where he's singing in the bathtub as his rabid vampire brother creeps up the stairs..........what? Oh! Oh, yeah...

Anyway, my sister sent me a link a few weeks ago to a story about Corey Haim now and good lord! Old and fat! I mean, hey, everybody gets old, that's a fact of life. (I'm not 13 anymore either!) But there's a certain weirdness to a cute teen heartthrob who puts on about two hun and looks like hell. I feel sorry for the guy, I mean, he's obviously been through a lot, but geez, it's sorta like a train wreck, ya know?

Check out Corey Haim then and now...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Songs I like from the past, part II

The other day Hubby was working on the computer and had the media player going, listening to some old stuff we had downloaded in the good old Napster days. (We thought we'd lost hundreds of songs in a computer crash we had a few months back, but Hubby found the playlists in a file somewhere and we've been able to play them again.)

Anyway, all of a sudden, "Do Whatcha Like" by Digital Underground comes on, and I'm thinking, "Damn! This is a great song!!" And for the past few days I've been playing it over and over again.

1990 - grade 10 French class, my friend Morgan sits behind me. We are laughing because he said, "Hey fat girl - yeah, I called you fat - look at me, I'm skinny!" (Yeah, that's from "The Humpty Dance," but he did a really good Shock G/Humpty Hump impersonation.) I think of him whenever I hear Digital Underground. Now he is my hair stylist, and I've been going to him for 10 years. (Speaking of that, I'm really overdue for a cut... )

So for memory's sake, here are the lyrics for "Do Whatcha Like." And if you remember Digital Underground, post and tell me what you remember.