Casino rage
So Hubby was playing blackjack at the casino one night with his buddies. If you know Hubby, you'll know he has a lot to say about everything and will flap off at the mouth at times. And if you've been to the casino with Hubby, you'll know that he does this particularly at the blackjack table, especially if there is a player at the table who sucks.
This guy at the table totally sucked, and Hubby was doing his usual sarcastic commenting on the guy's decisions, like, "Oh, you hit on 18? Wow, that's great!" The guy was obviously getting agitated, and after a few rounds of this he said, "What's your problem?" Hubby stated he had no problem, just that the guy sucked and it was costing everyone else at the table. They get into a little verbal altercation, and suddenly this guy blurts out, "Oh yeah? Well, you look like you have Down's Syndrome!"
So let me get this straight. This guy is sitting at the blackjack table and there is another guy (Hubby) who is ticking him off, and he looks at Hubby and thinks, "Dude, this guy looks like he has Down's Syndrome!" I mean, he obviously had to have been thinking this before actually saying it, right?
When Hubby and his friend were telling me this story I could barely breathe from laughing so hard. It was just such a bizarre insult to fling at someone, like someone is making you mad at the casino one night, and you start getting personal and telling them they look like they have Down's Syndrome? What is that all about?!
Well, apparently, Hubby didn't take too well to being told he appeared to have a an extra chromosome in his genetic makeup, so he told the guy he was a F%&*# head. Nice.