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Five Guilty Pleasures

I've seen this one going around and I never got tagged and was feeling like the loser kid who gets picked last on the playground, and finally Toni came to my rescue and now I get to play. Yay for me!

1. Cartoons. I love watching the cartoons my kids watch. My favourites are Rolie Polie Olie, Backyardigans, Oswald, and I even like Go Diego Go (Diego is Dora the Explorer's cousin, and he has his own spinoff show now.) When Devon was little I used to love watching CBC Kids when Alyson and Michael were the hosts. Ah, those were the days. Now it's called Kids' CBC (thank you CBC for putting the apostrophe where it belongs!) and there is a different host for different regions. Ours is Kush, and she bugs me.

2. The Olympics. I love watching the Olympics, but by far my favourite part of the Olympics is watching the Opening Ceremonies, where each and every Olympic team walks in and is greeted with applause. It truly is one of the few times that all the countries come together. Okay, I'll admit it - I get teary watching it. Especially the less economically well-off countries who have two or three or even only one athlete, but they are so thrilled to be there. Ugh, I get choked up just thinking about it. And I like figuring out which country has the most hotties. (Helllooooo Romania!!)

3. Craigslist. I love reading Craigslist, and honestly have spent hours, sometimes almost all night reading the general shiz that people post there. It's way too much fun. And I've even applied for jobs on there before.

4. Swiss Chalet's Quarter Chicken Dinner. Sweet, succulent rotisserie chicken, savoury dipping sauce, roasted veggies and a caesar salad. Come to me, my lovlies. And when I'm not trying to lose weight, the soft chewy white dinner roll and mashed potatoes with gravy - sweet mother! And the day the Hub and I found out they delivered - Eek!

5. I have a weakness for paper partyware. I swear anytime I have people over or we plan a shindig, I go a little nuts with the paper napkins and matching paper plates. I have spent hours on websites like plumparty.com, Oriental Trading Company, or Birthday Express. For my kids' birthday parties, I go all out with the theme and make sure I have all the paperware matching. And anytime when I'm shopping and I see some I like, I just buy them. (Then they get stashed in a box and when I need them for guests, I can't find them.) But I gotta have them. Hubby thinks I'm an idiot, but there's some really nice seasonal paperware out there!

Okay, let's just say that I might have tagged you, but you're behind and as a result are in my lame category. Until you respond to the last tag, you don't get another. Are we straight?

1. Don't get it. Talk to me about South Park or Striperella and we're in business. The rest of it? Nah. Not for me.

2. You must be dying with all of the Canadians who refused to carry the flag, huh? Wow. I thought about applying to do it. I mean, I'm going to be right there anyway...

3. I never go unless you tell me to. Maybe I should visit more.

4. Nothin.

5. This, I totally get. That'll make up for the chicken thing. I've got so much cutesie paper here it's sick. And the fact that I use a total of about 5 Valentine's napkins per V-Day does not necessitate buying three more packs every year. I have to come to terms with that.

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