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Return of the Ring

So apparently my humiliating story of the discovery of a personal item of a sexual nature in my parents' living room has made the rounds. People have told me it's the most hysterical thing they've heard in a while. Glad you all could enjoy my agony.

Well, today I got a call from my sister who said she tried to do me a favour, and picked up said item and hid it in her bag to give to me later. Congratulating herself on her stealth, she promptly forgot about it.

A few days later she takes her daughter, my little niece, over to mom's to be babysat, and when she returned, she saw Baby on the floor surrounded by toys - including that toy. As she picked it up to toss it back in the bag, mom notices and says, "That's a pretty good baby toy, where'd you get it?" (Oh gawd, she DOES think it's a teething toy!!)

Sis says, "I don't know...it's Becky's."

Mom, knowing my kids are well past the teething stage, says, "What does Becky need it for?" (Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!!)

Sis, praying for this conversation to end, says, "I don't know!"

She calls me up to relay this story and tell me how mortified she is now that she is implicated in this debacle. She said she should have just told mom what is was and that it was mine. No way! I don't really need mom knowing that! We're the non-sex talking family! Ew!

I told her just to throw the stupid thing out, the last thing we need is a hair-raising third chapter to this ridiculous story.

So it's gone. And if you're wondering what it was, it was something like this: not a baby teething toy.

I can not imagine how tough that conversation must have been for your sister. How did she not crack up? Why wasn't she laughing so hard that she couldn't talk? I know that I was while I was reading this!

Okay. I honestly can see how the less fortunate could pass that off as a baby teething toy. Most, of course, would know better. Ah. Someday, sometime your mom will be accidentally graced with a vision somewhere of sex toys and then she will remember what that really was.

Did you at least get the Hub a new one at the party the other night?

Nah, I didn't get a new one. We have another one anyway. But considering what I did get, my parents might think it's something to walk the cat with. ;)

Bhahahaha!!! Oh my gosh!!

Let's play hangman! My wife has nice chewable t_ _s that little kids like to suck on. "i"? "t"?sorry. "o" - yes! "y" yes - winner!

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