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Candy, candy!

Happy Halloween! I'm going out with Darth Vader and a little ghost tonight.

(And if those bastards in the house behind mine keep setting off firecrackers at 10:30 in the morning, I'll be showing them what firecrackers are all about!)


Update - The ghost gave up after about 45 minutes, announcing, "I'm done. I wanna go home." And Darth Vader and his buddy...uh, also Darth Vader, continued on with Darth Vader 2's dad. Lotsa loot. Mama and dada are having some snacks before bed!

Yeah. Lots of firecrackers around Hallowe'en.

And Bex, knowing you, those poor kids will be lucky if there's any chocolate left in their treat bags by the time the morning comes! LEAVE SOME FOR THE KIDS!

Firecrackers at 10:30? What's the matter? Waking you up during your morning nap? Kids are in school then, right?

Hmm... Must be nice.

I thought firecrackers were illegal in my municipality now. The only place I heard them going off is - no big surprise - the white trash house behind my complex. Those losers are always out making some kind of racket to annoy the rest of us. And their firecrackers were going off all day - from 9:00am to 10pm.

And it wasn't my nap that was disturbed, (not this time anyway) it was just that I would have preferred to blog in peace. ;)

Fun! I love kids dressing up!

In Abbotsford there is a new bylaw against fireworks and firecrackers. So we trick-or-treated with the babies in peace, and enjoyed all day without the racket (am I middle-aged yet? why am I so lame already?). It was much better. I originally thought the by-law was all lame and no fun, but I really agree with it now. Especially after some loser teenagers set off one too close to baby Kiefer last year.

PS - Vienna came home with tons of loot (for a 7-month old) and we didn't get as many trick-or-treaters as last year...so PLEASE come over and eat our chocolate!! I'm drowning in it and my hips are screaming for mercy!! ...oh, man...all this candy is not helping me work off my front-butt...

Hahahaha! The only other person I've heard talk about 'front butt' was Tina Fey on SNL when she was advertising Mom jeans 'with the patent front butt panel.' Love it!

Uuuuuugh...I have eaten so much candy this week it's disgusting. WAY more than the kids have eaten. Yes, I'm a hypocrite.

I'm fat. And I don't mean phat, either. Gotta get my candy-ass to the gym.

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