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Other side of Sunday

In recovery mode today. Last night Hubs and I were invited to a wine and cheese party being thrown by the parents of a kid in Cam's preschool class. The mom, Lisa, seemed pretty cool, and she invited us and the parents of another kid in the class, Jeff and Jen, who I'm friends with already. It was a good time.

We showed up late as we couldn't find a babysitter and ended up driving the kids out to my mom's to stay overnight at the last minute. By the time we arrived there were about 40 people there and the party was in full swing. (I lectured Hubby in the car before we went in, saying, "If you act stupid, offend anyone, say anything retarded or perverted, you will be leaving in a cab alone!!") Jen and I hung out and drank copious amounts of wine, and chatted. Our husbands had only met once before, and it wasn't too long before they were playing table hockey in the basement and Jeff was kicking Hubby's ass in darts.

By about midnight the music started getting louder (Lisa had the Black Eyed Peas going, unfortunately) and she came running in and said, "Rebecca! Your husband says you love to dance! Come dance with me!" So I looked at Jen and said, "Well, I guess I've had enough wine to allow this," and off we went. The three of us got down in the family room and I seem to remember Lisa, Jen and I dancing on the coffee table. (A photo of this may surface sometime in the future.) The music selection was weak, (especially when Hubs went out to his car and brought in 50 Cent and Ice Cube,)and Jen and I relived our "Tommy's" club days by playing Green Day's "Basket Case". We even pretended to pole dance to songs like "In Da Club." The pervy husbands sat around and made jokes about us all making out with each other. (They got along just fine, and since Hubs wasn't the only one saying stupid stuff, I revoked my earlier warning.) Lisa turned to Jen and me and said, "I just knew you girls would be cool. We're going to be great friends!"

Jen and Jeff were on the babysitter clock, so they left around 1am, and we left at the same time to head over to another party at Hubby's friend Robb's place. A bunch of people he used to work with were there hanging out, and by this time I'd had quite a bit of wine. (I announced to the group how much I hated Hubby's old boss, which they all thought was pretty funny.) We stayed another two hours or so, talking and making jokes while Robb served up antifreeze-like martinis.

Got in at 3:30. Thank gawd the kids are at my mom's because I slept until almost 1pm, and I am still tired.

Now, who says preschool moms can't party?!

That's awesome! Sounds like a great time. It's been a while since I've been to a party with a new crowd. And especially one I really liked. I'm glad you got that childcare dilemma worked out. (Sorry I didn't call you back, we were running around so much that I actually forgot about it until now. Bad friend!)

The party hostess emailed me pictures. I'm not posting them.

And I found out I was the only one of the three "dancers" that evening who didn't spend the next day with her head in the toilet. Ha!

Come on! We want photos! (Can you send them privately? Pretty please?)

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