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Feel the rhythm with your hands, steal the rhythm while you can

Yesterday was my last day at work. It was really fun. My manager even had me sit in on an interview with a potential candidate for my position, which was nice and I got to add my own input! Lots of people came by my desk to say goodbye and a bunch of us went for Thai food for lunch. They ordered a couple of desserts too, telling the waitress it was my birthday (maybe hoping it would be free)and she came over with mango ice cream and deep fried bananas with a candle on top, singing "happy birthday," so everyone joined in! It was so funny. Then when we were going back to the office, the waitress walked by and said, "Bye - happy birthday!" which started me giggling again.

It was actually hard to say goodbye. My manager kept hovering around my desk, chatting, and when I went to say goodbye he hugged me and said he was sorry to see me go. As I drove away from the office I kept thinking to myself, "I just made a huge mistake. I just really blew it. I just totally screwed myself!" When my kids get older they better appreciate the sacrifices I'm making to be home with them while they're little!

The absolute high part of the day was meeting Rigby, Clay and Carly's friend Jason last night for Audioslave!

After a rocky start when I locked my damn keys in the car and had to call a tow truck, we were off to GM Place. I was so excited when the show was starting, almost excited as superfan Clay, who almost ditched us for not moving fast enough.

I almost couldn't contain myself when they came onstage and started playing. I really like their new album Out of Exile and hearing it live only made me like it more. Chris Cornell looked great (even though Carly thought his haircut looked brutal, and I had other concerns about his physique, to be detailed later).

Carly's friend Jamie came by and she went out for a minute to talk to him, and when she came back, she said he'd told her that the Spoonman was there! I was so excited, I almost wished she didn't say that so I could be surprised. When Chris Cornell introduced him and brought him out during "Spoonman" they let him play a bit longer than he did in the actual song, which I thought was pretty cool.

And can I just say, when I hear those first few chords from "Rusty Cage" I get chills?? As soon as I heard that, I got goosebumps everywhere. EVERYWHERE. (I'm playing it as I write this, and started the song back at the beginning and yup, still get 'em too.) I was so excited I was jumping up and down and stomped on Clay's foot, and had to calm myself down before he decked me for dirtying up his shoes.

But the Rage songs took the cake. Chris Cornell left the stage (I don't know why I keep calling him "Chris Cornell" instead of just Chris, I just can't for some reason) and the band played what he called a melody, then started in on "Bulls on Parade." Holy crap. The crowd went bananas! All the Rage songs got way more of a response than even the new Audioslave stuff. I was in shock, even though Carly had told me that the same thing had happened at the show in Seattle a few months back (that I almost got to go to instead of Carly.) Back in "the day" I was a big Soundgarden fan, and while I knew some Rage songs I wasn't a huge fan. Now I can say I have a bit more love for them, and have downloaded a few songs since the show.

The only Soundgarden song I wanted to hear that they didn't play was "Jesus Christ Pose", but I've gotten over that.

Okay, so the big question of the night was, "Does Chris Cornell have man-boobs?" I swear when he was jumping up and down that I saw movement. I did. I pointed it out to Carly near the end of the show because it was bugging me, but he didn't jump anymore after that, almost like he'd heard me.


The debate continued in the parking lot where Jason declared that they were pecs, and even pecs jiggle if they aren't flexed. I wasn't aware of that, so I'm willing to believe the lack of male mammaries, but I will be trolling for recent topless photos of CC before issuing final judgement.

Oh, and this was the first concert I've been to and bought a shirt. I was so thrilled because the shirt I got looked exactly as I'd hoped:

Very fun night.

Okay, so some of the pictures didn't work. I don't have time to fix them all right now. They are all the same as the ones on Carly's blog anyway, although I wish I had a better one of Chris Cornell, for the scrutiny of others.

I call them MOOBS. It makes me laugh.

Or SMOOBS - saggy man boobs.

The Killers? I was thinking about going until I got some bad news this week and it looks like I'll have to watch my $ for the next while...

I need a concert, any concert...hrmmm

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