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General, nonsensical, wandering thoughts

YellowandOrange didn't tag anyone, but since I'm a complete sucker for these types of things:

10 Years Ago: Ten years ago I had just moved to Vancouver from Abbotsford and was about to move in with Hubby. We weren't even dating anymore, but his sister had just moved here from Halifax with her boyfriend, and Hubby told her I'd be cool to hang out with, and got her to call me. We started hanging out, and by default Hubby and I ended up together again. We moved into Beach Towers on Beach Avenue, the best place I've ever lived - ever! I got a job at a law firm downtown and felt like I'd reached the top of my game. I was happy - life was good.

Five Years Ago: Hubby and I had just moved from our basement suite in Walnut Grove (Langley, BC) to another basement suite in Westwood Plateau in Coquitlam. Devon was eight months old. I was growing tired of staying home alone with a baby while Hubby was gone with our only car all day, so I got a part-time job at Fitness World, and while the club was under construction we were selling memberships out of a trailer in the parking lot. I worked with four or five other people and some days it was so slow we'd just goof off all day. It was so much fun, I almost felt sad when the club opened and we were working in the gym and doing actual work. I got quite good at the bus system with a stoller on my days off when I wanted to go spend my paycheques too.

One Year Ago: We had just moved into our new townhouse in Pitt Meadows and I was working on my freelance business. I was actually really busy over the fall. Hubby and I did the Atkins diet most of last year, and he lost 40 pounds and I lost 25. (I've gained about 15 back though, so once I'm finished at my job I'll have more time to go back to the gym.)

Yesterday: I got up and took Devon to kindergarten, then came home and gave Camryn a bath and had a shower. In the afternoon I took the kids to the dentist, and they did so well that I decided to take them to pick out a new movie each. Mommy found a movie she likes (Almost Famous) and helped herself to one too. Had friends over to play after that. Then last night the babysitter came over and Hubby and I went to watch a friend's hockey team (he is one of the coaches) play in Delta, and went to Cactus Club for some food and drinks after. Fell asleep promptly around 2:30am.

Five Songs I Know All The Words To:
1. The Iceberg - Ice-T (probably some of the crudest lyrics I know)
2. The Seed - The Roots
3. Its Great to be an Engine - Thomas the Tank Engine
4. Bob the Builder Theme Song
5. Track #8 (I think - can't remember what it's called) on Gwen's L.A.M.B. album

Five Snacks:
1. Chocolate
2. Those low-carb, whole wheat tortilla chips I bought - yum
3. strawberries and cream
4. Black Cherry diet Jones soda
5. Green grapes from Langley Farm Market

Five Things I'd Do With $100 Million:
1. Pay off debt
2. Take the trip of a lifetime
3. Give enough money to get my family and friends comfortable
4. Invest
5. Buy a Jaguar XK8

Five Places I'd Run Away To:
1. Hawaii
2. Seattle
3. England
4. Australia
5. Somewhere in the South Pacific

Five Things I'd Never Wear:
1. A poncho
2. Those hippie skirts that are popular right now
3. Gotta agree with Toni - those half sweater things
4. Anything cowboy or western
5. A sweater set

Five Favorite TV Shows:
1. I
2. don't
3. watch
4. T
5. V

Five Greatest Joys:
1. Playing with my kids, especially when we play horsie ride, and I buck them off
2. Writing something I am proud of, and getting great feedback
3. Those late nights where Hubby and I lay in bed and laugh our heads off at dumb stuff
4. Road trips, getting on a plane to go somewhere new
5. Spending the whole day reading a good book, and not having anywhere to be that day

Five Favorite Toys:
1. My computer
2. The iPod nano I am going to buy
3. my cell phone (I love text messaging)
4. My debit card (loooove to shop)
5. I would say my digital camera, but since I am using my mom's old one since mine pooped out, it doesn't really count. (But I might get a new one before my job is over so I can get a discount!)

Five People To Tag:
I'm not going to tag anyone either, since a lot of the blogs I read have already done this - except Carly - or Clay - you're up!

I did it yesterday. Now put the pressure on Clay.

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